Changing your password is quite simple. If you haven’t already done so, log in. Once you’re logged in and at your main desktop, click on the wrench & screwdriver icon in the top right corner of your screen.
Figure 1, look for this and click it.
Your User Profile panel should slide out to the left.
Figure 2, Your user profile panel
This is where all of your contact information resides. You can change it later. For now, scroll down until you find the “Change Password” section…
Figure 3, Fill in the fields and click the Save button
Once you’ve located the section, enter your current password (the one you used to login, or the one that was sent to you from a password reset) into the Current Password field. Next, enter in the new password you want. Re-enter it a second time to confirm it matches the first one, and click the “Save” button.

Figure 4, Click the Save button

That’s it!