Problem Types are integral to every work order. They represent the categories of work for all requests that come into the system.

You can customize them to be anything that you want. For example, you can have a generic problem type called, HVAC, for tenants to use when they have issues with their suites being too hot or too cold. Or, you can create two separate problem types, one called “Too Hot” and the other called “Too Cold.”

Pro Tip: Specifying problem type names to match more closely what your tenants report makes it easier for them to report issues correctly.

Additionally, problem types can be configured to be Private, seen only by management staff, or Public, seen by management staff and occupants.

Easyworkorder comes preconfigured with a base set of problem types; however, you do not need to use them as they are. Feel free to change them or add to the list.

The following short videos show you how to setup and manage your problem types:

Adding Problem Types


Editing Problem Types

Deleting Problem Types
