Vendors can be an important part of your business. Some companies have in-house staff that handles almost all of the maintenance for their properties. Others do not. To the extent that you send work to vendors, Easyworkorder makes it easy and efficient to do so from within a work order.

In order to send work to vendors from within work orders, they must be linked to the various problem types you have setup. Most vendors fall into one or more categories that match your problem types: doors/locks/keys, plumbing or elevator repair, for example.

The following videos show you how to setup a vendor, setup contacts that you deal with most often, and how to edit the vendor information.

Adding a Vendor

Editing a Vendor

It’s straight forward and easy to change any of a vendor’s information. Follow along with this short video to see how.

Vendor Contacts

Once your vendors are setup the next step is to add the contact information for the people you deal with on a regular basis. In Easyworkorder you can add multiple contacts for any vendor.

Follow along with the video to see how to setup a vendor contact.